hey! i’m savannah!


funny story…


I think by now you know my name is Savannah, and it’s so nice to meet you!

Like many of you, I created this business during the pandemic, and while doing so, fell in love with creativity, collaboration, and design! This led to the easy decision of specializing in working with designers of all kinds. Understanding the nitty gritty of processes, programs, and software lets me help you work smarter not harder. From client communication to exporting files, I do the time-taking tasks so you don’t have to! With additional specialties in social media management, design, and pinterest, we can transform your business into whatever you have manifested for it!

Outside of working I enjoy traveling, being a film girly, sappy 90’s movies, and spending way too much on latte’s because that’s ~self-care~ baby!

Light backstory! I graduated with my bachelors in psychology at 21, smack in the middle of 2020 (yup, graduated from home…) and I thought I knew where I was heading, career wise, and man, did the tables turn.

One of my closest friends, Isabella, so graciously shared with me what the online business world was about and down one huge rabbit hole later…surprise! We’re here, doing what I enjoy most and not even using my degree because who says I need to! 

To doing what we love, not being afraid to ask for help, and making the most out of sticky situations.

